January 13, 2004
Certified Fraud Examiners Association
Park Plaza Hotel – Tampa Airport
5303 W. Kennedy Blvd.
Tampa, Florida
The Role of an Investigator in a Successful Fraud Trial
Robert Mazur will appear as one of several panel members
during the January meeting of the Certified Fraud Examiners Association
in Tampa. Mr. Mazur will provide insight into some of the
most current techniques used by professional investigators to
effectively provide litigation support to trial lawyers.
The Tampa Chapter of the Certified Fraud
Examiners Association consists of approximately 100 professionals
based in law enforcement, government, investigative services,
insurance and banking. The Chapter is dedicated to providing
members with the most valuable, current techniques used to detect
and deter fraudulent acts.
For more information about the Certified
Fraud Examiners Association, visit the website of their Tampa
Chapter at www.tampabaycfe.org